My Services

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Let's get started

Embark on a journey to personal growth and mental well-being with our tailored approach. We understand that each individual's path is unique and we're dedicated to helping you uncover underlying issues, tap into your strengths, and reshape behaviors for a healthier perspective.

We provide a safe space where compassion meets personalized support. Your unique needs take center stage in our client-centered approach. Join us on your path to wellness, where your journey is our priority.

ADD/ADHD Counseling

We all know kids who can’t sit still, who never seem to listen, who blurt out inappropriate comments or don’t follow instructions no matter how clearly you present them. While it’s normal for kids to forget their homework, daydream during class or act without thinking, inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity are also signs of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD. ADHD makes it difficult for a person to inhibit their spontaneous responses, including everything from movement to speech to assertiveness. Some children with ADHD may be constantly in-motion, bouncing off the walls and disrupting others around them. Other children with ADHD may sit quietly, with their attention miles away.

Career Counseling

Do you dread going to work each morning? Did you “follow your passion” but now find yourself feeling unfulfilled and frustrated? Are you wondering if changing careers is the right move for you? To experience a fully happy life, it’s important to have a career that you love. But a recent study concluded that over 50% of Americans are dissatisfied (if not downright unhappy) with their work. This dissatisfaction can lead to stress, anxiety and even depression. This unhappiness can also bleed over into your personal life, negatively impacting the relationships you have with friends and loved ones.

Child & Adolescent Therapy

Does your child have trouble dealing with their emotions? Is their behavior sometimes disruptive to your home life? Have they experienced sudden loss or trauma?

As they grow, children and adolescents develop social skills and emotional intelligence. This awareness helps them to develop into healthy, happy, and successful individuals. But some children have trouble processing their emotions and this often leads to behavior that negatively impacts their school life, home life, and overall well-being.

Counseling for Anxiety

Is anxiety taking over your life? Does it feel like you can’t control it no matter how hard you try? Have you already tried therapy but found it ineffective?

If this sounds like you, I’m confident I can help. My practice offers the most effective forms of treatment, to get the relief from anxiety that you deserve.

Life Transitions

Has your life been touched by a major event such as a death, divorce, or layoffs at work? Are you having a hard time moving through and past the emotional turmoil? Do you feel completely stuck and like you need guidance getting back on track?

There’s no denying that life often presents us with our fair share of challenges, usually in the form of sudden change. These life transitions, even the positive ones, can throw us into a tailspin and leave us feeling stressed, confused, and vulnerable.

Men’s Issues

While traditionally men have not been the ones to seek out therapy, that doesn’t mean they haven’t had reason to. For example, according to a recent Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) survey, the number of men who seek treatment for mental health issues is significantly lower than the number of women with the same mental health concerns.

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